William Petty

美 [ˈwɪljəm ˈpeti]英 [ˈwɪljəm ˈpeti]
  • 网络威廉·配第;配第;佩蒂;威廉配第;威廉·配弟
William PettyWilliam Petty
  1. William Petty 's Thoughts on Value Resource : A New Exploration


  2. Development of land tax theory : From William Petty to Feldstein


  3. But this process of connection seems less perfect in combination of the classic theorem of industrial development - such as William Petty ?


  4. From William Petty to Feldstein , land tax research went through three periods : pre-classical , classical and modern periods .


  5. Since the 17th century William petty of Britain proposed 3 principles " equity "," expediency ", " economy " of tax law .


  6. The theory was early discussed in works of William Petty with a main opinion that the relatively income difference of industries causes the labor force movement among industries .


  7. In the history of economic thinking , William Petty is the first to realize that value originates from general labour ; namely , value is determined by labour time .


  8. As the founder of modern political economics , William Petty , his thoughts of Law and Economics are full of economic thoughts , which is the very notable feature of his thoughts .


  9. Marx pointed out ," The land is all production and all production and all sources of existence , as William Petty said ," Labor is the father of wealth , land is the mother of wealth .


  10. In 1662 , William Petty said that " Land is mother of wealth ; labor is father of wealth and passive factor " . David Ricardo pointed out that land was the key to value theory .


  11. The classical economists , from William Petty to Boisguillebert , Quesnay and Adam Smith , all discussed the essential role of agriculture in great detail and some discussions were unprecedented .
